Individualized Fitness Program
This program is created by certified and qualified occupational therapist team. Occupational therapist’s are healthcare professional that caters services in children, helping them enhance their development and make them independent as possible.
In Einfinity Learning Center Individualized Fittness Program (IFP) provide personalised therapy that caters to the needs of each child. Our highly trained occupational therapists can help with assessing your child’s developmental difficulties or disorganized behavior caused by delay, sensory integration problem, poor motor praxis and coordination, poor perceptual registration and others.
Indivudualized fittness Program (IFP) is an individualized program based on the child’s needs. This program focuses in helping every child to enhance and aquire their skills needed to perform their primary occupations (play, cognitive, learn, socialize, physical demads, etc) and meet developmental expectations. Your child will receive holistic approach so they will be fit and adapt well in their daily activities independently.